Access your Profile

Your members can download our Android app to see daily workout and Diet plans, track Fitness Measurement and BMI, and view their Profile, Package & Transaction history.

Profile Details

Member can view their profile details and update their Emergency Contact Details.

Package History

Member can view there Package History. Package Expire , Renewal Notification.

Transaction History

View all member's Package Transaction details with remaining Balance amount.

Fitness Measurement

Using Fitnestantra member view there Fitness Measurement Test Results. BMI Result

Fitness Diet

Member can follow their Diet Schedule using our Fitnesstantra My Diet

Fitness Workout

Using our Fitnesstantra My Workout Member Follow their Workout Plan

Reffer & Earn Rewards

Reffer Gym Or Reffer Enquiry and Earn Rewards or attractive Discount

Share Feedback

Share your Suggestion or Share your Feedback about gym, Support, Traning

QRCode Attendance

Make Attendance using Your own QR Code.